Ways to help

There are many ways we could use your help! Through donations, volunteering or interning, and sharing our projects to your friends and family across social media, every little bit counts and we appreciate all that you do.


Make a Donation

Your donation is so important to us, as all our projects need more than love and kindness to manifest change. Any contribution is welcome and every dollar matters. Thank you for anything you can give.

volunteer as yoga teacher

We love the donation based classes our yoga teacher network is hosting for us. Do you want to be part of this amazing network? Read more and join us by clicking the button below.

Become an ambassador

We need help to raise awareness and funds and to share our mission to reach our goals. Join as an ambassador by
1. Donate any small amount and
2. Send us an email with the subject “Ambassador” to
info@yogagirlfoundation.com . Thank you!

Follow us

Through our following on social media, we can broadcast and communicate our vision and goals to the world. Help us share and grow!